Opportunity Through Diversity; Unity Through Cooperation.

Working with our community to create positive impact through service with heart.

City Council Chambers
275 Main Street, Top Floor
Watsonville, CA 95076




Pursuant to Charter Section 900, Paragraph 2.



This time is set aside for members of the general public to address the Planning Commission on any item not on the Agenda, which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission. No action or discussion shall be taken on any item presented except that any Commissioner may respond to statements made or questions asked, or may ask questions for clarification. All matters of an administrative nature will be referred to staff. All matters relating to Planning Commission will be noted in the minutes and may be scheduled for discussion at a future meeting or referred to staff for clarification and report. Any Commissioner may place matters brought up under Oral Communications on a future agenda. ALL SPEAKERS ARE ASKED ANNOUNCE THEIR NAME IN ORDER TO OBTAIN AN ACCURATE RECORD FOR THE MINUTES



All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are recommended actions which are considered to be routine and will be acted upon as one consensus motion. Any items removed will be considered immediately after the consensus motion. The Chair will allow public input prior to the approval of the Consent Agenda.

Public Input on any Consent Agenda Item



1) Nomination Period
2) Public Input
3) Motion Electing Chairperson (roll call vote)

1) Nomination Period
2) Public Input
3) Motion Electing Vice Chairperson (roll call vote)

Staff recommend that the Planning Commission, by motion, recommend to the Watsonville City Council the acceptance of the Housing Element Annual Progress Report (APR) for the 2024 calendar year for the adopted 2024-2031 Housing Element and submittal of the reports to the State Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR).

1) Staff Report
2) Planning Commission Clarifying & Technical Questions
3) Public Input
4) Appropriate Motion(s)
5) Deliberation
6) Chair Calls for a Vote on Motion(s)





The next Planning Commission meeting will be held on April 1, 2025.

Pursuant to Section 54954.2(a)(1) of the Government Code of the State of California, this agenda was posted at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting at a public place freely accessible to the public 24 hours a day and on the City of Watsonville website at  

Actions of the Planning Commission shall be final unless appealed pursuant to Watsonville Municipal Code section 14-10.1106 within fourteen (14) calendar days following the date of the action from which such appeal is being taken.  Said appeals shall be filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by any required appeal fee, as adopted by the City Council.

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Community Development Department (250 Main Street) during normal business hours.

Such documents are also available on the City of Watsonville website at: subject to staff’s ability to post the document before the meeting.